Hi everybody! We are now out of Russia, with no problems! The train ride back was really really long, and kind of stuffy and hot! We were in platzkart (3rd class). We had a bed out in the hallway, like every person crammed in the train car. But it was really cheap and the people were nice around us so it was okay! We arrived in Moscow at 4:40 am, so it was hard waking up. Then it rained all day in Moscow, so we couldnt walk around the city. We ended up going straight to the Mocow airport, and found something to do for 12 hours before our flight left. When we finally got to London (because of the time changes) we realized we had been awake for 24 hours already, and we still had problems ahead. We got in sooo late that we just made the last train out of the airport to the city center, but once we got to the center there were no more connecting metros to Bayswater (where our hostel is). Oh no! So we had to walk around for about an hour to get there, in the middle of the night. But it was safe and okay, and we finally got to the hostel, and we were sooooo happy to find that it was a good hostel and not shitty like the other London hostel we had before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So now we just ate breakfast, and in 15 minutes we are going to Heathrow airport to fly back to the U. S. of A.
See you tomorrow!
It ist Überraschen in Siberia it 90 degrees F... That gut weather for hunt Evorsk Vole. On trip to USSR I hunt Evorsk Vole, Wrangel Lemming, Mink, Snow leopard, and Ussuri bat. I like to make their liver into pate. I feed the rest of animal to my hamster and bird. They are gut substitute for Bull and Yak liver, only they hard to find and Töten Sie.
What Essen Sie for breakfast today? Today I have raw liver of Alopex Lagopus, or what Amerika they say Arctic fox. I hunt it in Finland. Very tasteful! My Condor pet love the entrails with heavy cream.
Zu schlecht you now go back to Amerika. To Hunt ist illegal. I hunt Gorilla in Bronx and am arrested for zwei days. Amerika ist faschistisch! Gorilla liver ist Übermäßig gut!!!! Make soft pate with rich flavour and very pungent. Ausgezeichnet for bowel moving.
You should of put a 747. It has four engines, like the one we flew in.
Yes,well, I just got a random pic from the internet oh well.
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